Alcoholic Neuropathy: A Lesser-Known Yet Dangerous Long-Term Effect of Alcoholism

If you are having difficulty avoiding alcohol, there are resources that can help you quit. Since nutritional deficiencies are partly to blame for alcoholic neuropathy, supplementation with vitamin B12, folate, vitamin E, and thiamine may be recommended. Alcoholic neuropathy damages sensory nerves, resulting in a decreased sensation in the hands and feet.

  • Instead, this test can point doctors and medical experts in the right direction.
  • Constant pain in the hands or feet is one of the most bothersome aspects of alcoholic neuropathy.
  • Primarily, it was assumed that the progression of ALN symptoms is due to malnutrition and micronutrient deficiency (mainly B1 hypovitaminosis) [82, 83].
  • Others can see symptoms within several years of heavy alcohol abuse.
  • Chronic alcoholism can alter the intake, absorption and utilization of various nutrients (nicotinic acid, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folate or vitamin E).

In addition to thiamine deficiency, recent studies indicate a direct neurotoxic effect of ethanol or its metabolites. Axonal degeneration has been documented in rats receiving ethanol while maintaining normal thiamine status [5]. Human studies have also suggested a direct toxic effect, since a dose-dependent relationship has been observed between severity of neuropathy and total life time dose of ethanol [6, 13]. The exact mechanism behind alcoholic neuropathy is not well understood, but several explanations have been proposed. Therefore, alcoholic neuropathy may occur by a combination of the direct toxic effects of ethanol or its metabolites and nutritional deficiencies, including thiamine deficiency. The precise mechanisms responsible for toxicity on the peripheral nervous system, however, have not yet been clarified.

Does Alcoholic Neuropathy Go Away?

Thiamine deficiency resulted in the progression of sensory dysfunctions; further, histological examination of the sural nerves revealed the loss of small nerve fibers and segmental demyelination. Patients with non-alcoholic thiamine deficiency neuropathy showed more abrupt onset of symptoms, mainly in a form of motor dysfunctions; biopsy showed damage to greater fibers alcohol neuropathy with subperineurial edema. ALN with thiamine deficiency was manifested as a variable mixture of these symptoms. It was proposed that ALN pathogenesis, besides thiamine deficiency itself, could be due to its inappropriate use in the organism or transketolase deficiency [150]. Further, alcohol impairs vitamin B1 absorption and its storage in the liver [151,152,153].

alcoholic neuropathy recovery time

When a specific cause is unknown, people will use that as an excuse to continue addictive behavior. Department of Health and Human Services’ Dietary Guidelines for alcohol consumption (one drink a day for women and two for men) doesn’t carry nearly any risk for developing this disease. Having said that, the general consensus is that alcoholic neuropathy develops in up to half of long-term heavy alcohol abusers. If you’ve been an alcoholic for 10 years or more, you’re at significant risk of developing this painful disorder. In one clinical study, aimed at studying distinct clinicopathologic features of alcoholic neuropathy, 64 patients were assessed.

Coping With Alcoholic Neuropathy

~ hypochondriac from SoberRecovery As you can see, recovery is possible (with the help of the right kind of treatment) but only if you seek it out early on in the process. Alcohol alone, without alterations of Vitamin B1, can cause peripheral neuropathy. At least one of my providers felt that this was most likely the cause of my PN. Others have almost scoffed at the idea, considering my level of alcohol use. Soon after my diagnosis, I completely abstained for several months.

Alcoholic Neuropathy: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment – Verywell Health

Alcoholic Neuropathy: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment.

Posted: Tue, 31 May 2022 16:48:37 GMT [source]

Options like anti-depressants and pain medications are the more common choice. Although there isn’t a single FDA approved treatment method, doctors will focus first on treating the pain and discomfort. The alcohol hinders the body’s ability to filter out poisons, chemicals, and other potentially dangerous elements, therefore damaging the kidneys.

Synthesis of results

The best way to avoid the issue is to limit alcoholic consumption to 2 or fewer drinks per day for males and 1 or fewer for females. Once you stop alcohol intake, a doctor can address your specific symptoms. Doctors tailor specific treatments and alcohol abstinence programs to the individual. Excessive consumption of alcohol causes alcohol-related neurologic disease. When you consume alcohol, it’s absorbed into your bloodstream from the stomach and the small intestine. Thus, further preclinical and clinical studies are required to assess of this molecule in alcoholic neuropathy.

alcoholic neuropathy recovery time

By Heidi Moawad, MD

Heidi Moawad is a neurologist and expert in the field of brain health and neurological disorders. Dr. Moawad regularly writes and edits health and career content for medical books and publications. Especially if you have been drinking heavily for many years, coping with alcohol use disorder is not easy. But with the proper resources to help you, you are better set up for success with sobriety.

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